Color palette and schemes generator

Color palette and schemes generator

Generate beautiful color combinations palette for your designs

Enter a color and get your combination scheme: analogous, monochromatic, triadic, tetrad, complementary and so on

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Triadic color scheme is a special variant of the split-complementary color scheme. All three colors are distributed around the color wheel, causing there is no clear dominance of one color. The colors have equal distance between each other.


Tetrad color scheme is a special variant of the dual color scheme. All four colors are distributed around the color wheel with equal distance between each other.


Monochromatic color schemes use only one color. Monochromatic schemes use different tones from the same angle on the color wheel using the same hue.


Analogous color schemes are created by using colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye.


Complementary schemes are created by combining colors from opposite sides of the color wheel. The high contrast of complementary colors creates a vibrant look.


Split complementary color scheme is a special variant of complementary color scheme. Instead of using colors that are opposites, it uses colors on both sides of the opposite hue.

What is a Color Palette?

A color palette refers to the range of colors or a palette of different colours that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, or a collection of colors and tools for use in paint and illustration programs.

Color palettes can either promote contrast or consonance, but as long as they make sense together, they can still result in a visually satisfying effect.

Color harmony refers to the use of color combinations that are visually pleasing for the human eye.

How many colors should be in a color palette?

Plan on choosing 3 colors. Your primary, accent and a neutral. Brand color schemes can have between 1-4 colors depending on the type, but even monochrome schemes will require some variation in hues for different purposes.

60/30/10 Rule UI: this rule came from interior design and is also used in web UI, use 60% for primary color, 30% for secondary/neutral color and 10% for accent color (such as Call To Action element or buttons element).

Colors meaning

Scientists have studied the physiological effects of certain colors for centuries. Besides aesthetics, colors are the creators of emotions and associations. The meaning of colors can vary depending on culture and circumstances. That’s why you see black&white fashion stores.

They want to appear elegant and sublimely.

  • Red: Passion, Love, Danger
  • Blue: Calm, Responsible, Safe
  • Black: Mystery, Elegance, Evil
  • White: Purity, Silence, Cleanliness
  • Green: New, Fresh, Nature

The best color combinations come from nature. They will always look natural. The best thing about looking to the environment for design solutions is that the palette is always changing.

Color weel

Some colors go well with each other, while others will clash. There are definitive rules for how they will interact that can be best observed on a color wheel.

Color weel Triad scheme

Triadic: Triadic color scheme is a special variant of the split-complementary color scheme. All three colors are distributed around the color wheel, causing there is no clear dominance of one color. The colors have equal distance between each other.

Color weel Tetrad scheme

Tetrad: Tetrad color scheme is a special variant of the dual color scheme. All four colors are distributed around the color wheel with equal distance between each other.

Color weel Monochromatic scheme

Monochromatic: Monochromatic color schemes use only one color. Monochromatic schemes use different tones from the same angle on the color wheel using the same hue.

Color weel Analogus scheme

Analogus: Analogous color schemes are created by using colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

Color weel Complementary scheme

Complementary: Complementary schemes are created by combining colors from opposite sides of the color wheel. The high contrast of complementary colors creates a vibrant look.

Color weel Split Complements scheme

Split complementary: Split complementary color scheme is a special variant of complementary color scheme. Instead of using colors that are opposites, it uses colors on both sides of the opposite hue.

References and resources

Color Contrast Checker

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