Google Event Tracking Builder

Google Event Tracking Builder

Measure and track user interactions with your web contents

Track all the actions you might want measure as event in Google Analytics: downloads, clicks, video plays, social share, user engagement...

Analytics Google Tracking script

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Fill in the form

Event category *

The object that was interacted with

Event Action *

The type of interaction

Event label

Event label or category

Event value

A numeric value associated with the event

What is a Google Event?

How you can use it in your Analytics account?

Events are user interactions with content that can be measured independently from a web page or a screen load.

Downloads, social share, click to call, mobile ad clicks, gadgets, Flash elements, AJAX embedded elements, video plays and othe UI elements are all examples of actions you might want to measure in your Analytics account as Events.

An event hit includes a value for each component, and these values are displayed in your Analytics reports: Category, Action, Label (optional, but recommended) and Value (optional).

When a user clicks a link that points to another page on your site, that page typically sends a pageview hit as the user arrives.

Because there's a series of pageviews, Google Analytics can figure out on the back end where the user navigated to (and from). But if a user clicks a link or submits a form to an external domain, that action is not captured unless you specifically tell Google Analytics what happened.

Fortunately, there is Google Event builder, a tool by SeoChecker made for develpers who like to know more and optimize Analitycs data.

Advanced Google Analytics

How to set up event tracking

This video from Advanced Google Analytics in the Analytics Academy provides an overview for how event tracking works in Google Analytics.

To learn how to set up event tracking, visit the online course at: Analytics Academy

Information and examples

Let's diving into each parameter

The following table gives you a detailed explanation and example of each of the event parameters. To learn more, check out the links in the related resources section below.

Event Category


Typically the object that was interacted with. You can set the default category (ecommerce or engagement) or write a custom one.
Example: 'ecommerce', 'Video'

Event Action


The type of interaction. You can set one of the default action or write a custom one.
Example: 'add_to_cart', 'play'

Event Label

The string that will appear as the event label. Useful for categorizing events.
Example: 'spring_sale'

Event Value

A numeric non-negative value associated with the event.
Example: '42'

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