Seo main factors
Search engine crawlers are able to follow the links of your website exclusively if they use proper <a> tags with resolvable URLs:
If a link is an <a> tag with an href attribute, crawlers will be able to follow it correctly; on the other hand, if the format is different (i.e. without an href tag or other tags relative to a link), crawlers will not follow it: this is due to the script events.For instance, crawlers can follow:
<a href=""> <a href="/relative/path/file"> They can not follow: <a routerLink="some/path"> <span href=""> <a onclick="goto('')">
You have to be sure that in the <a> tag you are linking to a valid URL, namely that the crawlers can interact with it, such as: /products /products.php?id=123
What is not considered a valid URL:
javascript:goTo('products') javascript:window.location.href='/products' #
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Images Social
Get YouTube video thumbnails and info dataset. Retrieve YouTube video image in 9 different sizes, quality, caption, description and more.
Google Server and proxy
Find out the exact date and time your web page was cached by Google’s crawler through Google Cache Status checker
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Builders and generators
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Server and proxy
Retrieve remote Server Status Code and Headers. Get HTTP Status code, Headers info, Cache-control and data from a given URL.
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