External Noopener

When links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe


When links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe

Your site may have security or performance problems if, when linking to another site's page, you use the target="_blank" attribute.

The problem is that the other site's page may be executed at the same time as yours, and if it has a lot of JavaScript in its code, the slowing effect will ripple out.

In addition, the other site's page can access (via the window.opener property) your window object, allowing it to redirect to a dangerous URL on your page.

You can avoid these problems by adding rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer" to your target="_blank" links.


How the SeoChecker cross-origin destination audit is displayed

If there are unsafe links to cross-origin destinations, SeoChecker will notify it.

external noopener

How does SeoChecker detect unsafe links?

Firstly, all <a> with target=”_blank” attribute and not the attributes rel=”noreferrer” or rel=”noopener” are collected by SeoChecker; then, any same-host links are filtered out.


How can I improve my site's performance and security?

Check the links notified by SeoChecker and add to each one of them rel=”noopener” or rel=”noreferrer”: the first one avoid the access to the window.opener to new pages and the other one avoid that the Referer header is sent to the new page.

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