Speed performance
When we talk about "Long Task" we are referring to actions carried out by JavaScript code: these monopolize the main thread for long periods of time and cause the user interface to slow down considerably.
This means that the page does not react to user input while loading, even though it appears to be fully loaded.
The RAIL model tells us that you must ensure that you process user input within 50ms: this way you should be sure that the visible response occurs within 100ms.
SeoChecker will display you in a table like the one below all the long tasks: URL, Start Time and Duration.
Firstly, you could split up large scripts and monitor the third-party scripts.
Keep your pages responsive and reduce your work into small parts (not more than 50ms of work), running them in the right place (like off the main thread) and time.
Learn more about Speed performance
On page SEO performance and page checkup.
Over 300 parameters for the deeper page analysis.
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