In order to give the user an experience more engaging, you should use the colors of your PWA (Progressive Web App) in the browser's address bar as well (this function is supported in all browsers).
When a page does not use a theme to the address bar, SeoChecker will notify it.
SeoChecker looks for a theme_color property in the Web App Manifest, as well as a theme-color meta tag in the HTML of the page.
1. For every page you want to personalize, add a theme-color meta tag:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> … <meta name="theme-color" content="#ECF3FF"/> … </head> …
2. To the Web App Manifest, add the theme_color property:
{ "theme_color": "#ECF3FF" … }
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Over 300 parameters for the deeper page analysis.
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