Speed performance
Always consider working to reduce large network payloads, due to the fact that they lead to long load times and consume a lot of data.
Resources requested by the page are displayed in KiB (kibibytes) by SeoChecker in a table like the one below:
SeoChecker notifies pages with a total network request that is more than 5000 KiB: this size is based on the median network payload (according to HTTP Archive data), that is between 1700 and 1900 KiB.
Your goal is to not exceed 1600 KiB as total byte size, because this amount of data can be downloaded in a Time to Interactive of 10 seconds with a 3G connection.
Therefore, have a look at these tips:
Learn more about Speed performance
On page SEO performance and page checkup.
Over 300 parameters for the deeper page analysis.
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Web tools for modern developers. Try these one!
Over 50 generators, builders and validators to improve your SEO and web performances
CSS minifier tool. Optimize and compress your CSS code, make your website faster and reduce network payload sizes.
Convert text into MD5, SHA-1 and Base64 hash string. Type or paste text and get Messade-Digest Algorithm 5, SHA-1 and Base64 hased string.
Quicly capture any web page screenshot and thumbnails. Get image rendering on desktop and mobile and thumbnails filmstrip with loading timing.
Builders and generators
Generate your Web App Manifest json and improve site data. Provide information about your website, allow users to quick access for a better experience.
Analytics Google Tracking script
Build your Google Campaign Url for better tracking. Add UTM parameters and track Custom Campaigns in Analytics account.
Social Tracking script
Measure and track user interactions with your contents. Track all the events you want: downloads, clicks, video plays, checkout flow, engagement.
Generate URLs for Google Play Campaign Measurement. Add Google Analytics Campaigns parameters to Google Play Urls - Android SDK.
Google Server and proxy
Find out the exact date and time your web page was cached by Google’s crawler through Google Cache Status checker