First Contentful Paint

Che cos'è il parametro First Contentful Paint?

Speed performance

What is the First Contentful Paint parameter?

When a user opens a page of your website, there is a certain amount of loading time spent by the browser to show the first piece of DOM: the First Contentful Paint monitors this time lapse.

First Contentful Paint is displayed in seconds by SeoChecker.


The score is assigned according to a ratio between the First Contentful Paint index of your page and the First Contentful Paint index data of a big archive of other websites (HTTP Archive).

In this table you can check the score parameters:

First Contentful Paint time (in seconds) Color-coding
0 - 1.8 Green (fast)
1.8 - 3 Orange (moderate)
> 3 Red (slow)


How can I improve my First Contentful Paint score?

There are many metrics that you can check to improve your First Contentful Paint score: for example, font load time is one of the main metrics that condition it.

Anyway, instead of focusing only on First Contentful Paint score, try to solve all the loading issues of your page and you will see how this parameter will benefit as well!

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