Seo main factors
HTTPS Status Code
Whenever a server receive a resource request, it provides a three-digit HTTP status code: if this status code is between 400s and 500s, it means that the server has detected an error with the resource that has been requested.
Why is it important to check this errors?
Because when a status code error is detected by the search engine during the crawling, is it possible that the checked page is not going to be indexed correctly.
When a page returns a failed HTTP Status Code, between 400s and 500s, SeoChecker reports an error:
Your server or your hosting provider surely has a documentation that can help you properly: check it and you will solve the issue easily.
Keep in mind that:
Sometimes, it is better to not include some pages in search results: for example, when a page returns the Error 404 or similar.
Per saperne di più Seo main factors
Prestazioni SEO sulla pagina e checkup.
Oltre 300 parametri per l'analisi approfondita delle pagine.
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